The founders of iAnswers had a dream. To create a digital marketplace for the exchange of niche information, advise, and answers to web-based projects. Challenge: Stand up the business Actions: I was engaged to help realize their concept - to become the leading New Media information exchange.
Asset Divestiture
Extracting value from an unprofitable, dying business. The world is a four dimensional place (the best know three plus the element of time). What filled a strategic directive yesterday may be needlessly sucking up critical assets today. In the mid-1980’s Showtime Networks (SNI) setup a retail
Pivoting a Business
In the late 1990s the traditional cable network model of aggregating content was under attack. Digital technologies had powered a rapid proliferation of additional channel. As the middleman in the 'uncut movies for TV' business Showtime Networks value was essentially based on scarcity; of content
US – Brazilian Enterprise
Translated creative vision into a solid business model. A promising joint US-Brazilian enterprise's nascent concept needed a clear focus. The initial concept was to use the Internet to revolutionize the distribution of Afro Brazilian culture/music. The original vision was to build a professional
Capital Market Financing
Securing sufficient funding from the right strategic investors. Action: Worked with outside Investment Bank to develop Private Placement Memorandum (PPM). Participated in strategic partner negotiations and evaluated proposed funding structures. Build dynamic financial model that
Marketing Package
… we needed help that was both business and technically savvy, would hit the ground running, and provide a customized solution for our real-business need. For us, TMG was an obvious choice. We had past positive experiences with the founder, Don, and firsthand knowledge of the work he did while at
From the Crate: The Past is not Prologue
I was cycling through iTunes U and ran across a Fuqua School of Business Distinguished Speakers video of Ron Nicol, Managing Director at BCG. Ron provided his insights on many current issues, but what really stood out was his prediction that what we currently consider emerging markets will birth the
5 Reasons to Go Strong…Make that Smart
The world is a global marketplace, period. The velocity of change is accelerating. Customer’s expectations have become increasingly precise. We don’t know it all, and more importantly there’s not time to learn it all. Success only comes when others embrace your efforts and
Is Steve Rubel Right? Is blogging passe?
via I agree with Steve's basic assumption that people are looking to interact in a more seamless manner. It is my opinion that the content format and exact methods are becoming irrelevant. People are looking to platforms (I use that term in a general since), that deliver