Beet.TV caught up with Marc Ruxin, Chief Innovation Officer of Universal McCann, to get the inside scoop on Madison Avenue’s take on the current state of digital advertising.
It should come as no surprise to anyone that both advertisers and their creative houses are on a quest to deliver messages in a more effective manner. These delivery experiences need to be contextual and delivered into a self-selected environment.
Apps, in particular iPad Apps are looked upon as the first generation of niche market engagement vehicles that fit this bill. But at an average investment of $100,000 there is considerable concern. Marc points out that there will be a steep and costly learning curve around the new world of Apps. And, it’s not just Apple, Google Apps is also tracking at a face pace for the Android.
The three challenges Marc outlined were:
- lack of a set of standards
- lack of experience-based knowledge
- production cost
The good news, just as with websites and other nascent innovations before that, the investment cost (dollars and brainpower) will rapidly decline as more individuals decipher the riddle.
You can watch the video here.