While I never going into depth about the finds, I do encourage you check them out if they sound interesting.
Mark Lukasiewicz, NBC News VP for Specials and Digital talks about how consumers are watching more news that ever thanks to the proliferation of smart devices. The key is user-generated video, which is essential for news organizations in reporting on fast breaking news stories.
In this post Chris Hughes, a partner at Union Square Ventures, attacks the ‘Change the Game’ mantra to reveal exactly what it is that makes certain start-ups more inclined to succeed. It ‘s provides a few real touch points that can start your thinking down the right path.
Good insights from Wired on how the ever evolving digital content marketplace make even those that appear to be true winner rethink their strategy. I’m sure that the business model generation community will take a look at what’s on the plate. Well I know that I’ll be working on and introduce an analysis based on the business model canvas.
Good post from ReadWriteWeb, it is one in a series dedicated to helping you and I understand the strategic business implications developments in the mobile universes. Just when you though that the prediction list for the year ahead were done this one comes out, one that you need to read.
If you haven’t heard LinkedIn Labs has come out with a pretty cool addition that allows you to review a visualization of your LinkedIn network. This clustering tool provides a great way to see if your network is overly concentrated or completely fragments. As we discovered the other week you want to build your network into an aggregation of highly concentrated cohorts in related industries, functions, or locations.