You can and in fact should use both. Just be sure to use accrual accounting for management decision-making and if you are allowed cash accounting for tax purposes, according to Doug and Polly White, small business consultants. "In cash accounting, the company recognizes revenue when it receives
Which to employ Customer Development or Design Thinking
The answer is it depends. Although both place great emphasis on learning what works or does't from customers they are quite different tools. The key to selecting which might workout best is to understand the culture of your organization - fast, slow, process focused, urgency to gain traction - and
Cybersecurity’s next frontier, mobile… and it’s upon us now
Here's some scary stuff from the mobile world. "Anything [hackers] can choose to do, they can," according to Mathew Solnik, a security consultant at Accuvant Inc. In fact, Mr. Solnik has demonstrated the ability hack a cellphone without alerting the user or the phone company, turning it into a live
Business model generation in the Internet of Things (IoT) universe
The Internet of Things (IoT) changes everything, especially how we go about crafting and testing business models. "To take advantage of new, cloud-based opportunities, today’s companies will need to fundamentally rethink their orthodoxies about value creation and value capture", writes Gordon Hui in
Business frameworks in the wild
News flash... there's no best path to business success. In his HBR article The Answer to Every Business Question is "It Depends", Professor Scott Schaefer introduces the quest he and Professors Mike Mazzeo and Paul Oyer took on to find out if the academic business frameworks we read about so
Business’ future doesn’t fit in the containers of the past
Question, if our current business management systems don’t yet account for the shift from isolated industries to ecosystems why do so many business leaders not look for a better way? This puzzled Greg Satell (@DigitalTonto) especilly since so many of have comment on the networked economy.