That's certainly true for LL Cool J. In my case... not so much. Six years ago my career path, where I was going serving my community, and the impact of blogging diverged. It's not that I didn't have anything to say... I did, and I continue to. I just did it in a different way. So why am I
Who are you looking to serve this year?
Me? A group of young men who have stepped forward and are looking for help to navigate a path that leads to a better future for them, their families, and their community.
Yep, but…
I don't know about you. As a dad and the one who pushed to be an Apple-centric house I'm a little conflicted now. Guess I need to checkout the moral of Goodnight iPad.
Visual communication
Remarkable communications
Take the time to improve your ability to initiate productive conversations and engagement with both introverts and extroverts. As you seek to deepen relationships with people from different cultures and backgrounds across the globe, this skill is vital.
Genuine connections matter now that hyper-personalized behavioral models rule
With AT&T buying Time Warner can you still think that your customers don't prefer a customized experience?
Really. I need to get back to my Mac.
Wait before you go: Crafting a compelling business model narrative
Quite often it's not what you say but how you say it. In the case of business plan narratives it's both what you have to say and how you say, according to Paul Hobcraft, group lead at Agility Innovation. "Framing the business model needs a compelling story so that it can be quickly and well
Behind the scenes: Setting a solid strategy
When it comes to strategy, in particular the development of, people tend to favor what's shinny. Shinny looks nice but can easily become a disaster, writes Rich Horwath, author of Elevate: The Three Disciplines of Advanced Strategic Thinking. It is also necessary to determine how a proposed strategy