It’s good every now and then to take a moment to understand why you do what you do. It gives you an opportunity to insure that you’re actions are relevant to your core. The points below were developed in advance of participating on a career panel at my alma mater the Fuqua School of Business (Duke’s
5 Fav Business and Strategy Insights #34
Uh… make that two. Always looking to give you quality information and if it ends up being less than more so be it. While I never going into depth about the finds, so I encourage you check them out if they sound interesting. How Cee Lo Green Taught Me To Achieve When it come to achievement the most
Warning: 8 Point List Might Get You to Your Destiny Faster
Do you know where you’re at? Are you cool with that? If not continue reading to understand an 8-point checklist that focuses you onto the right coordinates. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, employee, or retiree you can benefit from periodically stepping back and taking stock. After all,
5 Fav Business and Strategy Post #29
photo via Donald McMichael While I never going into depth about the finds, I do encourage you check them out if they sound interesting. Design Thinking Is A Failed Experiment. So What's Next? In this blog post Bruce Nussbaum, on of the biggest advocators of Design Thinking via his Business
Amaze Yourself… and Others
“If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.” — Thomas Edison
Structure your business efforts according to…
“Assess the advantages in taking advice, then structure your forces accordingly, to supplement extraordinary tactics. Forces are to be structured strategically, based on what is advantageous.” - Sun Tzu
60 Second MBA: Rescue Your Negotiations; 3 Commandments
Today's tip on negotiating comes directly from a conversation I had with one of my neighbors Marty. It is often said that great neighbors are the result of a strong fence. If that’s the case then outstanding neighbors are those who have a knack for sharing appropriate knowledge
5 Fav Business and Strategy Post #26
photo via Commons While I never going into depth about the finds, I do encourage you check them out if they sound interesting. The future of business is the “mesh”: Lisa Gansky on In this presentation Lisa Gansky talks about the concept of
5 Fav Business and Strategy Post #25
photo via Commons While I never going into depth about the finds, I do encourage you check them out if they sound interesting. Six Reasons Being Focused Is The Greatest Determinant Of Success This post lays out six common sense reasons why a laser focus is more likely to lead to