caption: The Amphicar was a German vehicle manufactured 1960-1968. photo from ‘The Commons” While I never going into depth about the finds, I do encourage you check them out if they sound interesting. Five Strategies for Business Growth in a World of Customer
Planning Forward
"I used to think that strategy was about avoiding unforeseen events; now I think it's about making sure you can deal with them." ~ Markus Reckling
BMI and Visual Thinking
"Business Model Innovation without Visual Thinking is like driving at night without lights... possible, but not smart!" ~Alex Osterwalder
5 Fav Business and Strategy Post #16
photo by r0sss’ While I never going into depth about the finds, I do encourage you check them out if they sound interesting. The Best Business Model in the World The key to the most successful businesses is that they have a defensible moat based on IP. OK… Anthony Tjan, CEO of Cue Ball and
3 Items That Keep Your Innovation Motor Humming
“Every man-made creation starts with seeds of thought. The idea is then germinated with action to form its physical equivalent.” Dennis Kimbro For the first time this fall I had the pleasure of lecturing at a College Success Seminar. It’s been a blast to not only give back but also recall the
Why I’m Passionate about Business Strategy
Now and then life has a way of giving you a… well, reality check. I received mine one night in the form of a simple enough question from one of my graduate students. “What makes you so passionate about business?” I’m almost ashamed to say it, but I gave one of those common responses; “I’m thankful