Well, Charles Hudson - @chudson - a seasoned entrepreneur and VC looks at it this way. We invest in people and opportunities, not decks. More insightful, however, is the following statement "I am sensitive to wasting people’s time, but I’ve learned that I do a better job paying attention to pitches
Pop Quiz: Do you know these 47 business development acronyms?
Remember when you sat in that meeting to discuss the latest product launch and you heard a twenty something roll through a virtual alphabet soup of social media acronyms, only five of which you knew. Right then and there you made a commitment to yourself; "Never again, this is to
Developing Your Concern’s Organic Growth Skills – Week’s 5 Best Posts
“Strategy is about ensuring sustained differentiation in a changing environment for better net income margins. Differentiation without better net income margins is meaningless.” - Narayana Murthy This week we will take a look at: Revving up your business’ growth - how to do so smartly,
Business [Re]Ignition: The 7 Rock Solid Elements of Executing Business Model Innovation – Part 2
Just this past weekend I had a few minutes to kill before running out of the door to the next family-centric event so I was flipping through the television when I ran across the iconic movie ‘Field of Dreams’. For those of you, yes the two of you, who don’t recall the film it’s based around one
Business [Re]Ignition: The 7 Rock Solid Elements of Executing Business Model Innovation – Part 1
In any high stakes venture it is vital, whether for yourself or a client, to have a sustainable edge. Warren Buffet calls it a Durable Competitive Advantage and Michael Porter refers to it as a Competitive Advantage. Regardless of the phrasing, the concept is the same. Never move into, or stay
Enhancing Financial Performance – 5 Insights that Help – Week’s 5 Best Posts
It was a big weekend with a hectic week ahead, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to shortchange you. This week my 5 favorite business and strategy post are all about the economics, how to view them, manage them, and more importantly enhance them by taking a sharp pencil to your business model. If
Why Some Businesses Almost Always Make the Right Moves – Week’s 5 Best Posts
This week my 5 favorite business and strategy post cover: Better business modeling, the why (capture an unfair advantage), how (…to maintain it), and when (6 signs that you need to rinse and repeat). The art of a sweet science; financial modeling it’s not just about the numbers. The Business
The Profitability Paradox – Cash Flow Projections Why Successful Businesses Almost Always Rely on them First
All to often small businesses obsess on how much money they’re going to make, the total number of clients, and how much profit they’ll generate. What they lose sight of is the important third leg of the business stool, day-to-day cash flow; doing so almost always guarantees major problems whether
Retooling Your Business Analysis Perspective; 5 Posts to Get You Started
This week my 5 favorite business and strategy post cover: Why a retooled FP&A (Finance Planning & Analysis) is retaking a prominent seat at the at the leadership table. Gaining business activity clarity by leveraging your CRM process to fuel accurate sales projections. New