If you've been living under a rock for the last five years... First off, welcome back we need you. Second, let me get you up to speed. The hottest two business concepts over the last 24 months have been pivot and business model innovation. Business Model Innovation(BMI): the proces by which
Business Reinvention – the Intro
Greg Satell does a great job in his recent post 'The New Media Value Chain' pinning exactly where the media industry currently stands. Both Greg and I live at the nexus of media, entertainment, & technology and have personally witness the ground shift under our feet. While Greg comes from a
Are You a Courageous Business Leader?
Boxer Muhammad Ali and Howard Cosell on ABC’s “Wide World of Sports”… (ABC PHOTO ARCHEIVES) Spanning the globe to bring you the constant variety of sports. The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. The human drama… It’s been over 30 years since I first heard that phrase on ABC’s “Wide World
Do Strategic Alliances Between SMEs Really Matter?
Here’s a writers prerogative version of a recent conversation. Business Leader: I hear what you’re saying about defusing my risk by recruiting others to help drive initiatives. And, the derived benefit of shifting activities that aren’t key so we're able to focus on what we do best would be
Business Innovation to my left, Business Models to my right… oh my. – Week’s 5 Best Posts
photo via Alex Osterwalder's photostream (flickr) It was a holiday-shortened week here in the US, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to shortchange you. This week my 5 favorite business and strategy post are concentrated on insights one can use to help determine how to play the hand they’ve been dealt
How Alliances Should Fit Into Your Strategy
Over the last four months I’ve heard an increasing chorus of voices buzzing about business alliances. Much of what I hear is focused on the activities of larger institutions. Think: Redbox & Verizon joining forces to upset Netflix ABC/Disney & Nielsen’s aspiration to capture iPad user
Why Some Businesses Almost Always Make the Right Moves – Week’s 5 Best Posts
This week my 5 favorite business and strategy post cover: Better business modeling, the why (capture an unfair advantage), how (…to maintain it), and when (6 signs that you need to rinse and repeat). The art of a sweet science; financial modeling it’s not just about the numbers. The Business
The #1 Most Common Goof In Executing A Business Model
Pop quiz: Why is a business model, and the strategic value proposition that binds it together, often treated as if it will stand the test of all time? Is it because the core market need is constant? Is it the fear of scrapping existing assets (infrastructure, business knowledge, and/or people)
Retooling Your Business Analysis Perspective; 5 Posts to Get You Started
This week my 5 favorite business and strategy post cover: Why a retooled FP&A (Finance Planning & Analysis) is retaking a prominent seat at the at the leadership table. Gaining business activity clarity by leveraging your CRM process to fuel accurate sales projections. New