Say it’s not so! It can’t be. But alas it is. We are segueing into September. Over the next two weeks bathing suits will be wrung out, surfboards stowed, and backpacks wrenched out from beneath that pile of camp gear.
Turning up the dial
This is a period of both great anticipation and trepidation. The kid’s are running frantically to get those last summer hit list items crossed off. While we’re becoming more focused on those business discussions that we’ve been attempting to schedule for the last 6 to 8 weeks.
Improving conversation productivity
With only three productive months to go before we closeout the year things need to get popping posthaste. We have to be on top of our persuasion game. With this in mind I want to refer you over to a great article from our friends over at Scotwork titled Leave the Haggling to Flea Markets which appeared in the August 2012 edition of NJ Business Magazine.
Making business work takes two sides
Yes, yes, I know there’s no need to school you on the fine art of maneuvering through a conversation. I understand this, that’s why this article is so good. It focuses on helping you keep that sharp edge by providing these three negotiation discussion reminders:
- Make specific requests. Cut to the chase; ask for what is needed, or desired.
- Block — don’t reject — unreasonable demands. Match their request with a price or service that is aligned with their position.
- Shrink the agreement gap. Do what the best consultants do when faced with a problem. Break it down into smaller parts. Then reach an understanding on each element.
Additionally, the article covers an eight-step negotiation process; although I think of it more as a discussion framework. If you don’t subscribe to NJ Business or have access to a magazine database (not many of us do – thank goodness for my association with academia), then reach out to Scotwork they’ll be more than happy to email a reprint.
Now that you’ve heard theirs
What are some of your tips for ramping up after the summer?