photo via Alex Osterwalder's photostream (flickr) It was a holiday-shortened week here in the US, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to shortchange you. This week my 5 favorite business and strategy post are concentrated on insights one can use to help determine how to play the hand they’ve been dealt
Exploding Your Business Growth Potential Read this. – Week’s 5 Best Posts
This week, my 5 favorite business and strategy post cover: How to smartly evaluate opportunities for both their innovation and ‘cost’ potential. Ol’ School connecting; don’t call analog a comeback it’s always been here… and powerful Business Model Generation; the path to better
5 Hints on Overcoming Stalled Growth Strategies
This week my 5 favorite business and strategy post cover: It’s all about growing your business… here’s the how to do it smartly. What’s old is best again… networking 1980’s style. Don’t call it a comeback… 4 steps for reviving an ailing company. As, always I’m looking to share with you
New Product Launch; Why Some Businesses Almost Always Nail It
The secret is that they don’t… It just seems that way because they have assimilated the art of experimentation into their DNA. And why have they adopted this mentality? To validate learning because what often seems like a no-brainer really isn’t. Intrigued? Market penetration strategies; from my
RIP Steve, job well done.
5 Fav Business and Strategy Insights #40
As, always I’m looking to share with you quality information that helps increase our business development skills, enhance our level of business model innovation, and ultimately the quality of our professional relationships. While I never going into depth about the finds, I encourage you check them
5 Fav Business and Strategy Insights #39
As, always I’m looking to share with you quality information that helps increase our business development skills, enhance our level of business model innovation, and ultimately the quality of our professional relationships. While I never going into depth about the finds, I encourage you check them
5 Fav Business and Strategy Insights #38
picture: Commons As, always I’m looking to share with you quality information that helps increase our business development skills, enhance our level of business model innovation, and ultimately the quality of our professional relationships. While I never going into depth about the finds,
5 Fav Business and Strategy Insights #37
As, always I’m looking to share with you quality information that helps increase our business development skills, enhance our level of business model innovation, and ultimately the quality of our professional relationships. While I never going into depth about the finds, I encourage you check them